Welcome To The Website of Lawrence Tyler Rush

My wife (Jess) and I at my cousin's wedding.
I am first from the right... and usually have a beard ;-)
click on the above image to enlarge
I was raised for the majority of my life in Line Lexington Pennsylvania by my father Lawrence and my mother Karen. After graduating from North Penn High School in 2004 I attended Susquehanna University, graduating in May of 2008 with a bachelor of science in computer science, a bachelor of arts in mathematics, and a minor in chemistry.
I continued my study of both computer science and mathematics at the University of New Mexico via the field of computer science, obtaining a master of science along the way. I currently study mostly mathematics, getting pulled into interesting programming or computer science puzzles/problems along the way, on my path of preparation for re-entry into school for mathematics.
I currently work as a software engineer at an ecommerce company in King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania, called eBay Enterprise (formerly GSI Commerce).
Other Stuff:
If you were looking for my teaching site, click here.
Here is my teaching
statement, which is also available at my teaching site
linked above.
I have seen multiple people use the Wordle java applet to describe their research... and that seems, to me, like an awesome way to describe what one researches. Since I'm unfortunately publication-less, I was led to wonder how else I could possibly use Wordle to describe myself. This then led to my wondering about other non-Wordle, but just as interesting, ways to describe myself. The latter seems to be harder for me to come up with, but below are some interesting results using wordle.
I used some python code to grab all the subjects of emails currently in my gmail inbox, and made a Wordle out of the resulting body of text (point of order... I will be calling each of these things a "wordle" 'cause I like it better than word cloud, even though it may be wrong). The generated image is below after modifying in the following ways:
- Translating to all uppercase with tr
- Removing visible phone numbers
- Removing visible last names

Basically, I have a google voice phone number that forwards text messages (SMS) send to it, to my email account in the format "SMS from NAME". I tend to text a lot with my cousin, Jason, as we have a lot in common. Poor Jessica (my wife) gets less text-attention than Jason, however, I see her every day... Jason lives two hours away. You can decide who's luckier.
For the next wordle, I removed all the subjects that start with 'sms from' in order to look a little deeper. The 're', 'fwd', and 'fw' of reply and forward emails were annoyingly big, so I removed those three words as well. Anyways, here is the result.